Youth Sports Festival
Central Europe’s largest youth teamsports’ festival
15 years, 65 countries, 3069 teams, 45641 players
The Youth Sports Festival has been Hungary’s and Central Europe’s market leading youth teamsports event since 2005.
The participating athletes play over 1000 matches in 3 sports and 10 age categories during the 7 day event.
Each year there are 250-300 teams from 30-35 countries, representing
4500-5000 athletes at the Youth Sports Festival.
The main element of our event is the so-called Festival City which is an entertaining center with free entry. There are sport programs during the day, and concerts and discos in the evenings. We offer exhibition and sales possibilities for our partners and sponsors at the Festival City where almost 90.000 visitors pass through during the week.

Youth Sports Festival
1173. Budapest Csabai út 53
Youth Sports Festival official websites:
Youth Sports Festival…
1173. Budapest Csabai út 53
We organize exiting facultative programs during the festival so the players’ and their accompanyings’ entertainment is guaranteed even after the games!
The main goal of Youth Sports Festival is to connect children, adults, teams and countries through sport. This aim was fulfilled successfully in the past years, since our sport event is more and more popular among the countries and teams.
This European youth sport event is an excellent opportunity for the young athletes to show off and try their skills and abilities besides gain a life-long experience.
The Youth Sports Festival is one of Europe’s largest youth sport event!
During the 7 days of the festival, the young athletes from different countries may get to know each other and their customs by which teach them to be more tolerate and even make friendships.
Any type of teams may participate at the Festival in the announced age categories, such as football, handball, basketball teams from sport clubs, academies, schools. Even district and regional representative teams.
Az oldal üzemeltetője: Jogo Bonito Európa Kft, címe: 1173. Budapest, Ásvány utca 18., Nyilvántartó hatóság: Fővárosi Törvényszék Cégbírósága, cégjegyzékszám: 01-09-733141
A tárhely üzemeltetője: Rackforest Zrt., Budapest
A Youth Sports Festival általános szerződési feltételei a linken, az adatvédelmi tájékoztató pedig a linken található meg.